Our nominated charity

The Honeypot Children's Charity

Our charity partner is put forward and selected by our colleagues

GS1 UK is proud to support our charity partner, The Honeypot Children’s Charity.

Since 1996, the charity have offered both respite breaks and outreach support to young carers, many of whom would otherwise have nowhere to turn to. They are the only charity in the UK offering consistent support throughout childhood; from the age of five until a child’s 13th birthday.​

Honeypot's vision is for every child to be able to make the most of their one chance at childhood.

How do they help?

With locations in Hampshire and Wales, the Honeypot Children’s Charity offers both respite breaks and outreach support to young carers.

The charity visits Honeypot children throughout the year. They invite children to come and join in for a play session in their local area and reconnect with friends they made on their Honeypot breaks.

Every Honeypot child receives a birthday card and a hand delivered Christmas present from the charity each year too.

Who are Honeypot children?

Honeypot children offer care and emotional support to someone they love; such as a parent, a grandparent, or a sibling. From as young as five years old, Honeypot children will help give medication, complete household chores and assist with personal care.

Having to adopt a surrogate adult role at home, alongside homework and school, is unbelievably tough. Although still children, these boys and girls find themselves in a caring role, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year


How are GS1 UK involved?

We’ll be taking part in a number of fundraising activities and events, so keep an eye out on this page, and ways you can be a part of it all. To donate to The Honeypot Charity, visit our dedicated fundraising page below.